When: July 27 - August 1, 2025
Where: Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania just north of Pittsburgh
DoubleTree by Hilton Pittsburgh Cranberry
$119/night plus tax; refrigerator in each room, indoor/outdoor pool
(724) 776-6900 ... 910 Sheraton Dr, Mars PA
Reservations: 1-855-610-TREE (8733) and refer to RMS 84th Convention or use code: CDT92M
Airport: 30 minutes away, no free shuttle available
Theme: Mission to Mars
Pre-Registration Form: Fillable ---- Regular
Banquet: evening of Friday Aug 1st
Auctions: Four auctions on July 29, 30, 31 and Aug 1. Approximately 350 lots per auction.
Auction Lots: Any paid-up RMS member may enter up to 15 lots in the convention auction. Email your list of lots to Shirley Sayers You may also send two copies of your list with a SASE if you prefer.
Convention Program Book: Ad prices: $35 for full page; $25 for half page; $15 for quarter page. Please send ads in PDF, PNG, or JPG format. All ads and money need to be received by July 1st. Everything goes to Denise McKinney, 3681 Sunnyside Dr., #2862, Riverside, CA 92506